I am jealous.... In the U.S.? I wish I could have met you S1 & S2 ;-) Perhaps some day we shall even meet up with dubstepped & wife?
looking forward to the adventure!
cha ching
--------new episode---------.
episode twenty three - sherrie is shunned by jehovah's witnesses.
today we have a really cool live recording from my living room.
I am jealous.... In the U.S.? I wish I could have met you S1 & S2 ;-) Perhaps some day we shall even meet up with dubstepped & wife?
looking forward to the adventure!
cha ching
are you a child abuse survivor willing to help “change laws and change lives”?.
do you agree that “reporting abuse is the key to prevention and the start of heal...ing”?.
as president of scaars, (stop child abuse – advocates for reform and safety), a non-profit lobbying corporation, i’m writing to inform you that arrangements have been made where abuse survivors can speak with policymakers at the california capitol in sacramento, specifically on january 15th and 16th.
Jwundubbed - If you mean, that people like the JWs should be required by law to take reports of sexual abuse to governmental authorities, well that would be a step in the right direction and it will help prevent FURTHER abuse... but it won't prevent the abuse that already happened.
So true. The WT commonly tries to "get out of their responsibilities" to report by claiming that they have "clergy penitent privilege"... in a special way.
If WT and the elders HAD reported ANY molestations, these molesters would get on a list with police, and if people would not get DF'd for 'talking about it', then families could be warned, and molesters themselves would have a harder time tricking people.
It's not that the victim's are being held responsible to report the crime, it's that the people who are already SUPPOSE to report are not reporting. They are making the problem worse.
Laws have to start somewhere, and making sure that institutions report is just ONE of the laws that need refining and enforcing.
I myself have friends who have been abused, and have been in congregations where this has happened. So many people say, "If only they had warned us, if only we could have said something, others would not have had to suffer" It's not that the victims want ANY one to suffer, but there is always a first.
Making it safe for kids to report is another goal. No fear of retaliation or punishment. Step by step we must try to make things better for our 'next generation,' and help change the culture that we live in.
the trial transcript of nunez v. watchtower (426 pages) has been made available from scaars which is the acronym for a new a 501(c)(4) lobbying corporation, sexual child abuse - advocates for reform and safety (scaars).. .
the scaars corporation was formed october 3, 2018 by barbara anderson and former elder, roger bentley and his wife, karin.
on the home page of the scaars website, scaars.org, you will find information that explains the goal of the movement - scaars: "changing laws - changing lives.".
Now let's talk in "ice cream money"... Remember that video JWville put out? Giving praise to the little girl putting her ice cream money in the contribution box?
Let's just assume that an ice cream bar is $1, and there are 8 million JWs.. but they have children. Say two children (some have 4 or 6 some have none) each for the 8 million. They are not baptized, but they are a 'mighty money crowd.' How so? 8 million x 2 = 16 million. One ice cream bar contribution a month = $16 million dollars. Two months and you've got $32 million dollars. Three months and you've got $48 million dollars.
Think about how long each of these trials last. There are appeals, stallings, wait times. The WT can raise this "we'll teach you" money long before the trial even ends, all with a little "ice cream money." Pretty clever, eh?
after 24 years of active service as a witness my marriage came to an end causing massive trauma.during this tragic life event for a period of approx 8 months i went haywire.
partying.smoking.i was disfellowshipped.i met a wonderful non witness along the way and am remarried.what i don't get is this.if an announcement was made that i am no longer a jehovahs witness then why does the bible principle in corinthians about not even greeting he who calls himself a brother still apply.
Dear Strugglingrsa,
Remember, your brain has been trained by some 'master minds'.... The GB/ WT are very good at their art of brainwashing.
For years you have heard, "Where will you go?" as IF that was a life or death question, right? They WANT you to panic, they WANT you to turn around and come back because you can't decide or need to know "Where will I go?"
You actually don't need to know. You can take it one day at a time. Enjoy each second, minute, day with your wife. Live in the 'here and now' instead of 'Armaggedon will be here soon'... See what they do?
Your brain, just like the rest of us, was trained to worry. It was trained to think in the grooves that were deepened over time of repeated phrases, just like a record, and those phrases play over an over.
Take a breath, breathe, and live. All of life's problems do not need to be solved 'right away'. Enjoy your new wife, she can help you think in another way.
Hugs, cha ching!
after 24 years of active service as a witness my marriage came to an end causing massive trauma.during this tragic life event for a period of approx 8 months i went haywire.
partying.smoking.i was disfellowshipped.i met a wonderful non witness along the way and am remarried.what i don't get is this.if an announcement was made that i am no longer a jehovahs witness then why does the bible principle in corinthians about not even greeting he who calls himself a brother still apply.
Welcome, and hugs... yes, disfellowshipping and shunning is hatsh and cruel, it makes peole commit suicide.
Basically, it is a form of blackmail. Not "love, to help you return to Jehovah"... it doesnt feel like "love", does it?
i shared one of these before in which my approach left something to be desired, and i got some flack for that, and rightly so.
so if this story doesn't go over well i won't share another... but given how it ended, i just had to share.... a few days ago i took a trip to a nearby city by bus.
in the about 20-30 minute window between my connecting buses i walked over to a mcdonald's and got a cup of coffee, and when i came back to the little bus station i saw a literature cart sitting unmanned near the doors.
That is the true sad state of affairs.
i've been debating whether or not to post this story simply because the org knows who i am (post history from pre-'05 will tell you all you need to know), and i'm not sure if they would give my parents shit if they knew what transpired earlier this summer.
but you know what, i don't care what they do, because my mom is dying of stage iv cancer and i feel this needs to be heard by anyone struggling with the loss of contact from their relatives.. for those who are not familiar with my background, i became a small thorn in the side of the wts while i was still in.
i'm not big on being deceived, and for me, the org crossed my personal 'red line' when it came to blood and the child abuse issue.
Good for you Jouries! That takes a lot of guts to go see a mom who hasn't written or reached out, and then to be asked if you "are the plumber?"!!
You will be glad you did it, otherwise you would have always wondered. How nice your exJdub friends came with you! How beautiful of them, what precious people they are.
You have survived, you have the great morals to do what is right. Who can keep supporting an organization that keeps doing what is so wrong to it's members.?
Congratulatlions and hugs, always think of yourself as a good person, you made it out, you did your best, even when it is so hard!
hugs, cha ching
another mind-numbing edition with instructions on how adult jw's should be conducting themselves as "christians.
i did like this paragraph though - after some reading between the lines:.
page 11, par.
Exactly! Good one!
a post on another thread got me to thinking and writing.. should we even be trying to get our loved ones out of jehovah's witnesses?.
when a person truly believes in their belief system, or even if they don't but have held to that system for a long time, there is nothing we can say that will move them from that system.. why?
perhaps pride.
Even if I had NO one, I just could not take their crap!
here is a part of a current discussion i am having with a jw.. comments appreciated.. .
vanderhoven said.... reporting child sex abuse allegations is mandatory in many places.
the second witness might be semen or dna evidence...that elders cannot assess but authorities can.
Children are precious.
Sex abuse is a crime.
Who will you protect?
By reporting the crime to the authorities/ police (even IF there is no proof) the criminal is getting a rap sheet. Proof is building when others report. The criminal can be 'watched.' The criminal can be caught.
Children can be protected when others 'tell' on the criminal. WT discourages and even intimidates congregation members from even mentioning it to others. Someone who 'tells" can get DF'd or "reproved" for slanderous speech. The criminal doesn't, they keep their mouth shut. (The victim is re-victimized! Go WT! ... NOT!!!)
WT acts outside of governmental judiciary systems. It has it's own "judicial hearing".... right? Why are churches able to act "outside the law" and perform their own investigations?
If WT wants it's "2 witness rule", let them have it... AFTER they have reported the criminal to the police.
Think of the victims first, Watchtower!